Jenn's Portfolio

Project: Box Model

Box Model

For Epicodus, we learned about the "Box Model," which can be adjusted in the CSS. As each element on a webpage takes up space, the box model is used to describe the space around the element. This exercise helped me to practice using the box model (including margin, border, and padding). This allowed me to understand what each property manipulated.

In my example website, I made a pretend "band page," with a kitten as the lead singer. Exercises included to add a sidebar with a border, padding margin, and a background color. Inside the sidebar were "pretend" locations for the tours of the band. Additionally, I practiced to add padding around the images on the band webpage.

Tools used:
  • HTML
  • CSS

Additionally please see the following links for both the Github page, and its respective repository.

Thank you!
Thank you for checking out this project! You can contact me at, if you would like to ask any questions.